
Be Still and Listen

It is great to meet you here.  Welcome all to the Private 25 tape group.

There is a lot in there to discover, so much to absorb.  I knew that which is why I finally got to present and share it with you and also to let this come into our conscious awareness and bring it to life by experiencing what it shares.  So thank you for participating and being present in this because it is huge and amazing, incredible that we can do this.  In the recognition of what we are actually doing, which is recognizing the Christ in each other and in what is being shared and seeing that it is happening within us is such an incredible opportunity.  I love the way we do this.  The individual responsibility for this becomes really obvious; there is a lot of emphasis on this in talk we experience with Joel.  Which is literally experiencing God Realization and your personal experience of that.  Letting that come to you before anything else;   we start with that in this tape group, maybe you already had your meditation before you went to class which is what Joel suggests you do because you always come back to God Realization before you do anything.

The prayer that came to me to share with you is a gentle invitation to you  let your Christ Consciousness come into your awareness in a very gentle, loving way and hence I am using this prayer. 

So don't forget to breathe, breathe this in  that which I am sharing with you.  Give it the opportunity to let yourself be affected by it.  Be so open that you feel your consciousness expand into this that is being shared and allow that healing to occur to you.  Let that Light in....


Prayer for Today

Be still and listen
God's Voice speaks to me
In this stillness of my being at the bottom of my heart
It gently embraces me.
It assures me from deep within
Love is mySelf
In this remembrance Grace is Present
God Is......

This meditation can be listened to here…..


Thank you for participating in the meditation, that is so great.  In this moment we are going  to prepare ourselves for listening to Joel's talk, "Establishing God Realization" and this preparation we begin by being still and listening. 
I want to use this time we have for preparation to look at certain things before we begin listening to Joel.  One of the things that comes up when you listen to the talk and when you start to be with it as Joel gives a description in the beginning when he talks about his experiences with other practitioners.  When he became too busy he had to transfer clients or groups to other practitioners and teachers for them to do that instead of him and that was not always successful, so one thing that happens then is the understanding that it is not for everyone.  Some did not have God Realization, he saw that in the places that started with over one hundred people and in no space of time became empty of students.  So what happened then is what he looks at.  He shares his ideas about that.
The interesting thing for me to look at in this fact is being aware of where you find yourself in terms of teaching/healing or fulfilling your purpose or becoming an instrument for healing/teaching or whatever you call that or whatever that form will be can be clouded by wanting to do something.  Joel brings us back continuously in this tape to the place of no obligation to the world, it is not that you have to save people; it is not that you have to heal bodies, it is not that you have to do this or that.  Your sole responsibility is to establish God Realization and that is not an easy assignment in that sense, it is not easy because you are in the middle of a transformative process and there are certain things or steps occurring.  You have a desire for direct communication with God that you don't know how to do, you don't know how to find or reach that place. When you begin this or maybe you do, maybe you had a glimpse then maybe a couple of days later that experience is gone now how does this work, how do we practice this? 
Joel in all his talks gives a lot of suggestions on how to practice this, he demonstrates it continuously and that is why it is interesting to take a look at how to look at what Joel is saying because the last thing we should do is put it into a human frame of reference. 
All this information is given but not to hear it with your human ears not to limit it to ideas that you can associate with.  No what is being given and what continuously is the invitation is to breathe this in so to speak and let it affect you.  To let it talk to you instead of  trying to make a construct out of it or a thought, or something that makes sense to you like an intellectual understanding .  That is not going to help you with this process.  That is why Joel always says there is no point in discussing all this because you immediately bring it down to a mental sphere where you are not going to hear what I say in fact  you don't experience Grace in  a mental sphere.  You seem to listen with your human sense to all that is being shared. 
This is a realignment of awareness and this is not going to reach you via your human ears.  No, this must resonate with you from within because you recognize truth and light that is embedded in it, which is literally shining right through it. 
It is not in the words that Joel shares.  It is not in the books that Joel shares, it is rather in between the lines that he speaks.  It is in-between the lines that he writes. 
So it is always opening your consciousness, opening your mind for listening to that, and listening is not listening with your ears. 

In the prayer, Listen and Be Still is what you say to your mind, do not focus on your chatterbox human mind screaming great ideas or don't listen to it with an idea that it is an investment for the future.  Yes, if I do this then my future will look a lot better too. 
So see all that is being shared dislodged from time and not from space.  This is not going to give you anything for human purposes so to speak, that is not its intention.  This is not given you to make you a better human, to give you a bright and beautiful future.  Dislodging from time and space brings  you literally coming to a focal point of now, where you become part of creation.  You remember your co creatorship with God.  You remember that you are That, that the Christ Awareness is literally creating in this moment.  It is a fresh and new experience of you.  It is made as we speak; it is literally coming to life in this moment.  And that continues..... Not in time. 
Don't try to understand what I am saying.  What the alignment really is is bringing you into a place where you are not locked or limited by time and space.  It is literally entering into the fourth dimension.  It is entering into timelessness and into an exact point of creation in the moment.  And that is the Christ Realization - that is where God Realization is established. 

Everything we do in fact in our spiritual practice is bringing us closer to this present moment.  We are practicing the presence and by this practice you are going to fall into that, leaving behind everything that you ever thought about yourself because it is not going to be useful in entering into the present moment.  You owe nothing to the world, you owe nothing to the Infinite Way, you owe nothing to your neighbour, and you owe nothing to anyone.  You owe nothing. 
So the only thing that is being asked of you is to have this and that you are determined to experience that God is established in you and that can only be experienced in what we call the present moment which we have a word for but the word is not it.  It does not help to say yes I am in the now, or I want to be present, well that is great but this is beyond the words that we speak, this is the actual experience of That.  And then what flows from there, from the place, the presence, from that God established place, it flows from it.  Why would you care about that in a certain sense, why would you care about where that flows to.  No you just got rid of your whole frame of reference as you know yourself, you enter into this moment and then it extends from there.  So however that is extended, you literally take that with you wherever you go and carry that.

So this is what i say too in reference to the doings that we so desperately want, we want to do things for God or for our spiritual awakening and yes I did that as well.  You want to do something for it; you want to do something and not even waiting for a moment and coming into establishing God, entering into the present moment.  You can't wait to begin doing.
Anyone recognizing that?  Absolutely.  That is the invitation for today that is what Joel points to all the time, establish God Realization, Christ Realization, that is where everything starts to happen if anything needs to happen.  So that is also like the expression of it for us, for you, for me is very individual as to how that is expressing itself.  So it is not fixed that you have to become a practitioner or a teacher or that you have to give talks or such.  No, not at all.  It finds its way in you, it expresses itself through you in whatever form.  And Joel gives some great examples of that in the talk we will be listening to in a moment.

Try not to listen with your human ears or human frame of reference.  Don't try to associate with the thoughts and ideas that are being shared but keep yourself so open that you go beyond these concepts that you hold that you believe are the only thing that is there.  So Joel continuously offers you an experience of beyond all these limitations, beyond your description and understanding of what everything is.  Beyond your ideas what spiritual healing is or what teaching is or what God Realization actually is or what Christ Realization is, it goes beyond that.  It has nothing to do with your concepts about it...This remembrance brings your experience of what Joel is sharing to light.  Not anything else.  Not selling as many books as you can from Joel that would not help either.  You don't need to spread the word into the world.  This starts here, you listen, and you receive this for yourself.  Before anything.  There is no world to give this to in this sense.  There is no world.  I love it when Joel reminds me that I owe the world nothing.   The transcript is packed full with help to allow an alignment in a different dimension literally.

I am going to stop right here and preparing myself for the tape we are going to listen to...

You can either read the shared transcript or just listen....

Establishing God Consciousness - Joel Goldsmith  (An extract)

If you can’t heal, you can’t teach. There’s no use about it. You haven’t anything to teach if you can’t heal, because all you’ve got is lip service. All you’ve got is words in a book. And therefore, no one is going to really go far in this work unless they can heal. But if they can heal, there’s no limit to where they’re going to go. No limit whatsoever, because number one, the deeper spiritual student of course, loves the message for its message sake, and when he finds a spiritual message, is grateful for it and shares liberally with the activity.

But your average student has very little interest in God or a spiritual message, except as it is a means toward which they get their health. And so their measure of gratitude is usually in proportion to the healings they get. Very seldom do you find checks in your mail, or dollars, except from those that you’re working with in the healing work, and usually the size of it is in proportion to the healing they enjoy. That is your average experience in your average work.

However, with others, those that catch the vision and catch the spark, and enter into it, they become a part of the message right from the beginning, and right from the beginning they are helping to support the whole spiritual activity. And regardless of whether they are seeking a healing, or regardless of whether they receive a healing, every once in a while you’ll find their checks coming in as sharing, “put this into the work,” or “do this with it,” or “do the other with it,” so forth and so on.

But the point that I’m making is that once you start doing healing work, you have an abundance of supply. I’ve never known a practitioner who really and truly did healing work, who didn’t have much more supply than they really needed in their experience. Because somehow spiritual healing does bring out a deep sense of gratitude. That, shall we call it gratitude or money that comes in, enables the practitioner then to support their activity and expand it. And so I say that to those who heal, there’s no limit to where they can go in the spiritual work.

So it becomes necessary for those who do catch this vision, to improve themselves in the healing work, because without it, I say frankly, there’s no place to go. There would be in an organization, because you could be a trustee, or a director, or a executor of the will, or a member of the publishing board, or a salaried lecturer. But that can’t ever be with us. Nobody will ever lecture with us unless they do it through their own developed state of consciousness and are able to show that groups come together to hear them lecture. If they do, there’s no stopping them, because we have no rules.

If they haven’t got the state of consciousness to draw unto them those who want to listen to them, they will just never lecture. So it is with teaching. I can see from the experience I’ve had that there’s no way in this work to create a teacher. I could authorize one, but I’d have no assurance that after I did, that they’d ever have a student. And we all know that that’s true. Most of us from our Science background know that even though there are not many Christian Science teachers in all the world, still there are a lot of them that never have a full class, even of thirty. And that’s with authorization, and titles, and the backing of the whole church.

Think what it would be with us, where there was no such tremendous recognition. Nobody would get to first base as a teacher, unless they drew their own unto themselves. And that takes place only with the activity of the Christ. And that is attested to by healings. The question comes up: aren’t there individuals who have the Christ, who do not heal? And the answer is yes, of course, there are millions of people in the world who have a full measure of the Christ, and are not healers, because the Christ isn’t only a healing agency.

The Christ has many ministries, and there are people that could have lots and lots of activities in the world without ever doing an ounce of healing work. In fact, one of the very few mystics that America has ever had, not only never did healing work, but didn’t believe in it. And that was Rufus Jones of the Quaker movement. That man had a deeper Christ realization, certainly deeper than anyone we know of in American literature. And he not only didn’t heal, but he didn’t believe in it. He has a paragraph in his writings, which says you must not look to God to perform miracles, to stop disease, to prevent accidents, to save you if you are in a burning building, or anything that would in any way benefit you in the human world.

And yet that man had a deep, deep, deep spiritual realization, Christ consciousness, and truly was a mystic. But on that one point he had this blind spot, which is a heritage from orthodox religion, because there are many people who have had God contact, who have had so deep a training and teaching in not expecting God into the human picture, that of course, they not only can’t see it, but when it’s presented to them, they can’t believe it. The Orientals could show you ten mystics for every Occidental one, and none of them healers. And yet as you meet them, you know right well they’ve had God contact, and they’re spiritually illumined.

So it may be that for one reason or another, we will have those who have spiritual illumination, but it does not take the form of them doing healing work. They may do other works that are equal importance, and I can easily see that it might even be greater in importance than healing work. And when that happens then, they must not believe that they are failures because they can’t heal, because they may be functioning in a state of consciousness that has an entirely different mission.

It would be a terrible thing if God only had one facet, and that was healing. Well that isn’t true. Healing is only one of the facets of the Christ consciousness. And the Christ consciousness can make itself evident in music, in literature, in art. It can make itself evident in influencing the affairs of the world. It can bring forth the birth of new ideas into the world that can benefit humanity, just through a mystical contact, a contact with God, and yet have no relationship at all to healing, because there are those who have no concern and no thought for such thing as bodies. You will usually find that those who make the best healers, have themselves been through terrific ills, and so their attention is centered more on healing than those who have never experienced physical ills and don’t even understand them, probably have no patience with them.

So I am not trying to say to you that you can measure your spiritual development by your healing power or teaching power. I am only saying this, that in our particular work, you will not be able to carry on a public ministry, unless you are doing healing work, because nine-tenths of those who come to you aren’t interested in you, or in your God, or in your message; they are interested in getting healing primarily. And then through that, some day they may develop an interest, or an interest may be born in them, because your contact with them may open the spiritual centers of their being.

Now that happens all the time, that people come to us who have absolutely no interest in anything beyond the fact that the doctors can’t heal them, and maybe we can. And some of those people eventually turn around and become wonderful workers and wonderful seekers on the spiritual path. But that is because they have been open to it. Their thought wasn’t on it originally. Their thought was open to it through the contact with their practitioner or their teacher. The contact opened the soul area of their being.

Once in a while, of course, you come across individuals who have no interest at all in healing, but who are hungry after God, and they having no problems, or none that bother them very much, have nothing to do but center their entire attention on attaining God realization.

 And to the eternal Sadguru who breathes my breaths, and lives this expression.
