Wim Haverkamp - Class 3 - Joel Goldsmith Private 25


Where Light Is.....

We begin this Private 25 class with a meditation.

Welcome to today’s tape group. For me the preparation was really great, don't know how it was for you, listening to the tape or reading the transcript.  Something really worked in me, something helped me to take a look at things and how we are practicing and all that.
So today we start in this tape group with the meditation and the meditation is such a vital part of the tape in itself because the tape itself has the title "Three Meditations".  And the Three Meditations are not three different methods of meditation or three different ways of meditating but just simply the practice of coming into Christ Awareness. 
Having a moment with yourself to have the Realization of the Christ, of light, of love, of communication, of connectedness.  We will be taking a look at that after the meditation because this is really our practice; this is where the rubber meets the road. 
You know you can read books and have all kinds of ideas about it but in the end it is about Realization of your Christ Mind and seeing in fact that there is nothing else.  First we meditate, and then there is a bit of teaching, preparation, looking at themes from the talk.  After the teaching we will listen to Joel's tape together. 
And as Joel says even if you are in the Tape Group and you would listen to a tape or you would read thousands of transcripts, it would be worthless if you do not come to an experience of The Christ for yourself,
Christ Awareness, Christ Consciousness, to come into an experience of light and love extension. 
Dropping your defenses, letting go of what you think is going on, letting go of what you think Christ Mind is, letting go of what think that you need to do on your spiritual path or what would help you.  Let is all go, put it all aside; you don't need it right now whatsoever. 
In preparing yourself, if you think that is necessary, we come into meditation which in that sense is coming to the core of your being, becoming still enough to listen, to hear and to relax so deeply inside yourself that the thoughts that are coming you just let them go.  You don't do anything with the arising emotions, you don't do anything with them even though they might seem so appropriate and important in the moment, you are not going to engage your mind in dealing with it, except in letting it go.  You are not trying to connect it to persons or events, even the thoughts that are coming up are not personal, they merely flow through you and even though you are connecting them to persons, events or even your body or who knows what you do to make something happen here in this world as you perceive it.
But none of that is true.

So in the meditation we become still and that means still.  Let the thoughts arise and let them pass through; you don't need to do anything with them.  Same with the emotions. So you focus a bit on the breath and you might sigh and breathe in deeply into your belly but relax not like you are doing something,  release your defenses, you don't need to protect yourself here in this moment that we come together, no this is from a totally different order altogether.  This is the Christ Energy, the Christ Awareness that is waiting for us to come fully into our awareness and our minds.

The prayer that I chose for this meditation is from "The Altitude of Prayer" chapter 5 and it is one of the first prayers in that chapter.  It is a really lovely one and Joel shares this with us, that anything he brings in is in fact coming from an attempt to give this Christ to extend this Christ to you as a brother to him. 
And to recognize that Christ in your brother.  That is his offering and the prayer is full of This... 
So hear it as that and accept it for yourself.  Let it sink in, let it affect you.  Because you don't want to defend yourself, you are so sick and tired of doing that.  I don’t need to uphold anything that has no reality.  This is the invitation, i make it a bit dramatic maybe but it is coming from the same desire that Joel shares this prayer from.  The recognition and the celebration of uniting in Christ, we do this together, the recognition of the direct communication that is possible with your brother, not using any kinds of laws or thinking that it has to look a certain way, no, completely free to be itself. As minds we naturally communicate, although we put a lot of effort in disturbing that, but there is a pure, direct communication and you know that and of course you tap into that when you come to this meditation.

So welcome to the celebration of Christ Mind, of joining with your brother in one mind.


Thank you Father I can pray in peace because I am not praying to have You do anything,
I am praying the prayer of gratitude and recognition of Your presence. 
Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty. 
There is freedom from sin, disease, disaster lack and limitation.
Not because you are a power over some other powers but because you are
Light and where Light is darkness cannot exist.

The Meditation

.After the meditation it is a transition to come into this, it is beautiful how this can just happen now. 

The talk of Joel we will be listening to  is "The Three Meditations",  the daily meditation is an invitation of Joel to come into this stillness that we share with one another.  The stillness that is present in you and in your brother that speaks of itself.  It comes to God is  that which does not need a definition anymore, it doesn't need words in that sense. 
Joel invites you and emphasizes the importance of the Christ Experience.  What is that?  Do you know what that is?  Do you know what he actually means?  A description of Christ Consciousness does not make a lot of sense but what does make sense is to look at what it isn't and get a feel for what it is and ask to experience that.   Taking a look at that, if you can be completely open in this moment you recognize that if you can be completely open and present in this moment you automatically start to communicate and  this is the case when you meditate?  Is that is what is happening?   It is okay to be honest about this, so is that happening yes or no?  Only you can answer this.   Is listening to the tape helping you with this, are you recognizing where Joel is coming from in this expression?  It is not about the words, it is not about what he says but it is coming from a certain place and are you recognizing the certainty with which he speaks, which literally speaks through him? And so it is with your awareness of Christ Mind.

When you are completely open and receptive and allow yourself to sink beyond your superficial human thoughts of comparison, of having things or wanting things or believing that you need something, but you know the whole list because you have read it over and over. 
Do you stay there or do you allow yourself to sink deeper and deeper into your awareness and come to a still space beyond emotions and thoughts.  And not that the thoughts and emotions are completely still necessarily but you sink below them, they don't affect you anymore, you are no longer distracted by them, you come into a still place where you feel your consciousness expanding and you actually feel more alert and connected then you were a moment ago. 
Joel’s' invitation is to come to that place where you don't compare or analyse whether this is okay. 
No, the thing that happens is you sink into your certainty and suddenly you are free of doubt, suddenly you feel light entering into your mind and that is bringing you so much stillness and peace.  So is that happening to you and if it is not happening then there is some great practice that can be done.  
Joel speaks about this too and of course he says an interesting thing which I will bring in as an idea and you know this as you fall into it yourself.  Joel calls it a trap in the talk which is really interesting.  There is this booklet called meditation which he says is so easily readable it is so juicily written that anyone would love to read it.  It was sold over the counter like sweet breads or cakes and he said that they forgot about the TNT that lies just beneath that.  The TNT that is in it  will blow something up that you did not expect to blow up but it will.  And not to become paranoid of the message being given but he mentions something which is really fundamental and really to the point.  You hear this first on listening to the tapes and people are so excited about it and giving responses like oh that is so great I am so happy to hear that but then something happens where you actually become successful in meditating for just an instant and you feel something is going on with you, you reach a different point in your awareness and then you can say oh no I don't want to have anything to do with that and you delay the process for a while and come back to it of course.  But something fundamental is happening to you, something fundamental happens when you start enjoying your spiritual scriptures/books. 

So even though it looks at first like something that is easily digestible you sooner or later end up to the point of no return.  Where you are actually deeply into a transformational process and coming closer to the end of time where you actually enter into timelessness, into the fourth dimension as Joel says.  You actually enter into Christ Consciousness and this is not something to be afraid of but it is certainly a huge change and this change you start to practice too, like you begin to stick with the practice and repeat this and invite this overwhelming experience to come to you on a daily basis. 

As a human being one is not accustomed to having a peak experience on a daily basis.  It is more like if you have a couple in your life then you should call yourself happy as a human being, like maybe the most incredible sunset you ever saw or maybe the most beautiful person that you ever met, that was a real peak experience or who knows, so having a couple of those in your lifetime is seen in the human frame of reference as normal, so you don't expect more.  
This is where you come to reading spiritual scripture and seeing that you yourself invite a peak experience in on a daily basis.  You start the day with that and let it come back a couple of times a day, that you actually know that this is where I am functioning, here is where I am alive, this is where I want to work from, from this stillness I want the inspiration from this moment to literally move through me.  It will tell me what to do.  So this is what we practice of course, you ask as a human being just way too little , no this is really for you,  this is yours to ask for on a daily basis, a couple of times a day or any time you feel that you drift off or slide off into numbness or temptation in fact. 
You come back to the place where you await a peak experience of your connectedness with every aspect of creation, of entering into your Christ Mind.  This is available and it is happening right now, it is not happening in the future.  This is continuously here.  If you talk about timelessness entering into the present moment is a moment of timelessness, because we are in fact already at the end of time.  You get distracted but you return to This as you practice the Presence and allow that to be complete and whole.  Joel used the word omniscience which is a word one needs to know what it is ...like omnipresence....that is what you need to see and how to come to that is then recognizing that in all that you see.  Seeing that what you see is not limited by your perception but it goes way beyond that and it will tell you of your connectedness with the universe, with the universe and that where it is coming from.  Like literally being part of creation and coming back to what Joel says, the stones start to speak, to  display this Christ Vibration.  The flowers can tell you more about the universe than you can possibly imagine.

Even the chair you are sitting in doing your contemplation and entering into Christ Consciousness will be so charged in the frequency of Christ that anyone who would sit in it would have an experience.  I don't know if you recognize that for yourself too, you probably have your favourite chair in which you contemplate, or your favourite meditation pillow, or your favourite space for meditation, who knows what space/object you use which is charged because you allow that experience to come to you because where light is the darkness cannot exist.  Literally you invite that in; you keep your little temple clean in that sense.  Of course it is a reflection of your mind because temple is not a building, and of course it is happening in you.  But even in your direct surroundings which are so much a part of your idea about yourself you can see that that is an ingredient of it too.

I love this talk of Joels and it is great that we can listen to it in a moment because it is in fact coming back into Christ Awareness and staying out of comparison.  Stay out of judgment and stay out of thinking that you know what is going on or how it is supposed to look.  Stay out of your intellect, stay out of all the things you normally do as a human being, stay out of the laws that you made up about how things are functioning.  Stay out of all that that you don't have to do in order to become present here now and see that what is manifests itself, because it is manifesting itself in every moment.  It is not something that suddenly comes to you, no suddenly you become aware of it and that is the practice that we do. 

Unless You Build

 So now we will listen to  Joel's tape.



Once again I give thanks for the living teacher......  who brings these teachings to Light and Love...

 and the Sadghuru who breathes the breaths and guides these steps.
























