……I rest
the movement from
resist to rest.
This brain has a habit of making words out of words. I see this word and immediately I delete a lot of letters and
get the words I rest.. So let me share
the resting of late.
Walking yesterday something became very apparent regarding
the ego and the Soul. It was a massive
realization that every action I undertook believing it to be for the Soul was
actually only for the body/mind…. Though it was always believed to be food for the Soul. An entire life time.
*Having a family – Had its absolute
joys, delights and sorrows and yet was purely human.
*Undergoing so very many psychedelic plant journeys which were so deeply
profound and seemingly transformative and yet at the end of the day were purely
body/mind nourishment.
*The templifying of the body through diet – how can that touch the untouchable
*Oh my God and all the spiritual seeking through books, and tapes – they pointed
to the Soul but were continued for the comfort they brought to the mind.
*Even the run in with death was nothing more than a mind body event.
In all these things that were undertaken for Spirit – Soul was silent,
untouched and merely the witness.
Mmm there are still some blackberries lining the road which
I pluck and eat with hearty abandon.
The last fruits of the season. Seasonal
doubts about an upcoming northern hemisphere winter arise and yet the witness
is at peace. Hmm I find the most perfect
berry; it literally explodes in the mouth.
And in a second it is just a memory.
A question arises, how can the human mind know the God mind?
I now happen upon an emerald green field dotted with chubby
sheep. They are some distance away yet
seem very curious and amble in their sheepish way towards me. As they come closer and closer I raise my
hand in the Namaste gesture and they collectively bleat in response..
Susan greeting the sheep and yet who is it that is aware of the sheep
And each thought that arises is only as real as the attention it is given.
Mile after mile of gentle ambulation with thoughts arising with polite
frequency. Something is walking me,
something is breathing me and something is aware of all this that is unfolding. It sees the body, so it can’t be the
body. The object cannot know itself.
This entire walk Awareness has been aware of each and every
thought and the feelings that attach themselves to the arising thoughts. This awareness aware of thoughts: the mundane ones and the lofty spiritual
ones, and yet is untouched by them.
And yet by what can only be grace there is a point where a
light arises, and in that moment thoughts are replaced by living words.
Living words from the flowing waters of grace fill the space
and suddenly the me becomes I.
Infinite. Eternal. Unchanging. Unknowable. Ever-present. All- knowing.
All- powerful.
And as these living words arise a peace is present that passeth understanding.
And the living words weave their Reality and their Truth.
Before Abraham I was…
I live my life, but not I, Christ Liveth it…
I am the way, the truth and the life…
I am the resurrection and the life…
I will never leave you nor forsake you…
All that I have is thine…
The individual and God can never unite for they were never separate.
From the me of human
hood to the I of Reality.
That which has never not been present
has been glimpsed and Living words are the map to its Soul Treasure.
Walking in Holy Awareness
I Am That.
Beautiful 🤩