Wim Haverkamp's class on Joel Goldsmith's Private 25 Class.
We start with a moment of teaching right now and This moment includes looking at what is occurring. Joel in this talk brings in a very specific subject, well a few which I will talk about.
He held this talk to the private 25 - 25 really dedicated students who were reading and studying for some already and whom had some realizations of The Christ Mind. He caught some glimpses of what was going on and discovered the joy in that which motivated him to continue studying.
And this is the great part, we come together as a class of 18 and almost 25, which is fun that that occurs.
Joel said he was not interested in numbers for me it would be really fun to see us coming together with twenty five. It is still not ten thousand.
In Joel's time he said where are the hundreds, where are the thousands that wanted healing now where are they? Are they still studying? Are they still interested in the Infinite Way or what is going on? No, rather have a group of dedicated and determined students that really want to hear this then a whole bunch of guys just picking some ideas up and enjoying the light that is provided and then retreating back into their comfortable lives which are never comfortable but anyway. So that is what we are doing here.
Joel brings in the idea that if you are dedicated to This then why wouldn't you give it all.
So speaking from my own experience of This, yes I give This all too.
I have been giving This my all ever since I got my first glimpses of Christ Realization.
I felt light, …I suddenly found the synchronicity in everything.
I felt That literally in every cell of my being for just an instant and yet that shook my life.
It made me wonder what is the purpose of me being here totally different to what I think of as a human being and from that moment on I started dedicating myself completely to the path.
In fact, I did not have a choice in this at all. Something touched me and I wanted to follow That Touch,
I wanted to give it my All.
I did not care what it asked of me, I was going to do it. It really is like Jesus said when He said leave your nets. Leave your construction of human limitation and go beyond your thinking of yourself as a human being. Don't think of yourself or your situation as having anything to do with the reality of who you are. He goes on to say how he started to charge for classes people had to pay to come to class because it would be something for them to do, it would give the classes value to them. He goes on to say there were meetings where a thousand people would show up and there would be 20 dollars in the bowl.
This lack does not help yourself in expressing your dedication to This, to not pay or not do anything for it.
There is an amazing provision; there is no need to hold back in any way in that sense either.
You discover that in your transformational path. I had to learn that too. I give everything and then the whole concern of abundance or supply is gone. I don't have a concern about it anymore because I gave it everything. And I know that the Universe provides. The moment that I want to be with my teacher, the money was there....it came to me in all kinds of ways. If I wanted to go a certain weekend or seminar whatever, it was always provided and never stopped up till today. So the whole idea about the concern of supply dissolves in that and this is great in practicing this just in little ways and that is something to consider and that is something and that is what he tries to convey in this talk.
The dedication to this path can also be given by giving yourself completely in the practice of This, you don't necessarily have to give money but you can dedicate yourself to study, to meditation, to taking time to go within and have a moment of stillness. This is coming back to you every day. Every day there is an opportunity to dive deeper into that.
In the moment we just had in the half hour of meditation literally saved you years of physical suffering. You don't think of it that way but it is so beneficial for you because you are dedicating yourself to within-ness instead of being directed outward.
And this you will see in all aspects of your life. The parts that you invested in will have you taking value back out of it and seeing that oh that was not it either. What i thought was this, even with the idea of family and children, whatever, I really thought that that would be my happiness, and of course parts of it were happy and other parts were not happy at all.
You take your investment out of it and allow it to be what it is and not pre invest in it with ideas about it or thinking that it needs to look a certain way. Thus you come to a place where you let things of value show themselves instead of you giving it value. And you will also discover in the practice of it where your value lies and what is really valuable to you. This is a good thing to discover in your practice. Like what we experienced in our meditation was so quiet, was so still, it was great to dislodge myself from this world and enter into an inward possibility of communicating with my Creator.
This is the best time investment you can possibly imagine as you are returning to your Source and connecting with That. That is an incredible opportunity; you don't even realize as a human being that you can do that. And now in our practice we have learnt that it is an opportunity to do just that and actually feel that stillness.
You can ask why you are here, why am I doing this class, why am I in this group, well because it is divine intervention. You were literally asked to go there, you were literally following the guidance to be here. Something called you, and every day you are being called to certain activities, to certain things.
If you are silent you can hear it and it does not leave you, it continually guides you through your day. And that is why it can be so great to practice this in the morning when you have your quiet time that you ask what you are supposed to do and where you are supposed to go because you have no idea where Grace will be coming from. You don't know what form Grace will appear or where I need to go to express myself or with whom to meet. So by listening and being present here in this moment, feeling that something is going on even though we don't know exactly what happened. It is exciting, it is stirring up life, it is fresh and new and that is the energy given in this moment to literally receive with one another.
Joel also talks in these sessions about the healings that he gave. He gave so much physical healing work that he sometimes had 150 people a day that called him, which is a lot. And at a certain point he said that it was enough because these people are just coming for physical healing but nothing really changes just like it was in the Christian Science church where people could come in for 50 cents to receive a healing and then return to their 'comfortable lives' and then return when another thing showed up. So he did not want to do it anymore and stopped doing that. He said that would happen to us as well. Once you start coming into healing work you will suddenly say I am not a healer I am a teacher, I am going to teach this, I am helping you to receive this healing for yourself instead of that I am doing some healing work here and that is also an important thing to remember. It is like you have to accept this for yourself; you cannot get this out of a book indeed you can't even get this out of this talk. It can point you in the direction but you still have to do the work, so to speak, you still have to receive this for yourself and that is where the healing occurs. So Christ Realization is the topic we are talking about.
Christ Realization is interesting if you look at it this way, coming from your human nature, the thing that wants to achieve Christ Consciousness/Vision/Realization is the thing that is in the way of receiving it. That is pretty interesting is it not?
you are in the way of your own awakening and by doing these moments of
contemplation by doing this way of meditation, you sink in yourself where you
start to connect with the Christ within you because He Works through you and
that is already so, that is already happening, it is not something you have to
No, it is something that you need to realize that that is the case that is why
it is called a real-eye-zation.
So Christ Realization is taking place right now, so in what was is This
presenting to you?
In what is That coming to you?
Or are you too concerned about your own ideas about yourself and thinking that
it needs to look a certain way or that you are not good enough or that it might
take another fifty years or who knows what your idea is. That is all just
obfuscation because Christ is in you, he Lives in you. "The Christ
Liveth in me" that is happening right now, it is not happening any other
moment and that is the same with healing work - the healing work you are asked
to do or is coming to you in the one's you meet or that want to meet you and
the concerns you could have around that and wanting to do something has been
taken away with the Realization that The Christ`Is doing the work, giving you
the words to speak.
Giving you the hand to touch.
Literally giving you your footsteps.
You are an instrument and you are going to be provided for. It’s actually
flowing through you whether you are aware of it or not.
This is quite something in this really great talk that Joel gives and it was
great to be able to read the transcript that a bunch of us made. You know
we made all these transcripts for the "Private 25" more than twelve
of them so thank you all who helped with this. It is lovely because it is
great to have a fresh transcript in which you simultaneously hear and see what
Joel is saying and for further study and bringing it back into your awareness.
And for next week there will be another transcript and that is amazing
provision which I am totally gratefully for, totally grateful for that.
This is why This came up, what a beautiful opportunity to share this with you
and all that want to hear This.
What amazing provision given to all for Realizing Christ, for Realizing that
Christ is doing the work.
He brought you here, he helps you in your meditation, he helps you in your
undoing of who you think you are and to come to the realization that yes, there
is nothing else going on but the Christ that Liveth in me and I see Its Works
and I see everything that flows out of That.
And whether I can evaluate that or not does not really matter. Whether I
see the result or not does not matter.
I can be sure and this maybe the part of much discomfort , the greatest thing is
that I can trust the Christ Working in me, He is doing the work so to
speak. So I do not need to know that the healing was working or not, any
requests you answer is successful. Whether someone is receiving that in
that moment or whether you see the result of that, it really does not matter.....you
are going to be an instrument, and an instrument cannot evaluate its concept as
a musical instrument.
let me read a couple of sentences that you will hear and read in a few moments
probably. This is about the study in the work. This is on page 6
you work as I have worked with you, pointing out the need for study, for reading,
for hearing, for classes and lectures, you will eventually know why I have done
this. Because if I don’t , because if I would have done the same thing I get far too many
telephone calls from new people for help whom I have never seen, whom don't own
a single book, they just heard from someone that they can get healed by calling
Mr Goldsmith. You don't know how many calls I get from people in
Hawaii from people in hospital or relatives of people in hospitals and all this
and that. i never heard from them again after the call for help.
So this relates to one of the points I made a moment ago. You cannot
judge at all why people are asking for help and what they do with it. So
we don't need to make a judgement about it, if you have a need to ask for help
then you should definitely do it. It is not to push you away but rather to have
an opportunity to have a Christ Realization and that is actually your
function. You will accept your function at a certain point so why not
now.? That is the great celestial speedup that we are provided. Why
not now?
Why waste another bunch of lifetimes to come to the same place.
You are here now, you made it to the point where you actually heard that Christ
Realization is a realization that is already accomplished, you just need to
experienceThat it works in you that way and it makes things actually easier
because anything else doesn't work out and is pain, suffering, disease,
disaster and death. That is why it is a very unnatural place for you as a
human being and you can confirm that to me and if not turn on your
That is the insanity of the human mind. Delaying the homecoming, delaying
the fact that Christ is Realized in you. That Christ is Working in
you and there is no exception at all.
That whatever you see as an exception in your appearance actually has no
existence whatsoever....
So Realizing That , My God, why not? Why would you want to suffer, why
would you want to die, why would you want to delay your homecoming? And
that is about as clear as I can say it, can share it with you.
the great thing is and this is what Joel teaches is this and I realize this
whilst speaking and it makes me so happy. If you have in your group, a
way that you come together with ears to hear that that allows me to share with
you what I really love to share.
That is a high frequency teaching in a sense because you are able to hear
So rather have eighteen in class that can hear this with ears that are open to
receive it because that allows me to share That, and allows me to share the
essence of this all. Otherwise I would have to do an introductory talk into
how does meditation work and so on...No, you know all this, you know the
theory, you went through all the tapes and maybe twenty or a hundred tapes or
even more. And you read books, I know you did that.
So you are waiting for the Realization of This Christ and this was just a
little adjustment to come to the place where we actually come to see, oh my God
it is already working that way, I just have to Realize that I just have to see That by seeing It at work
by putting my stuff aside and stepping three or four inches aside and getting
out of the way to see That It Is working. Then I can step into my healing or
teaching mission because now I can trust myself to open my mouth and trust what
comes out because hey The Christ in me is Realized, That is what is occurring
and nothing else has any power of anything to say even though it might scream
for attention, it has nothing to say.
So thank you for letting me share that with you.
It is so wonderful.....Thank you for That.
Tape Group. Joel Goldsmith 153b
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