1st Instrument of Truth Class
By Wim Haverkamp
Welcome to the instruments of Truth meeting.
This is a new start for us. So what happens here is we have to discover
for ourselves and we begin with the desire to share. I jumped on the idea
because I love it as I have discovered for myself the incredible power that is
in sharing, in teaching, in demonstrating in whatever way you express yourself
seeing that there is so much joy in that and remembrance for yourself when you
do so. So we want to come to the place where that feels safe enough that
you can do that although you don't have to in this class, but this is an
invitation, like what do you have to lose?
I have to slow myself down a bit, because I get so excited and want to do
everything at once and I don't think that is a good idea. Joel shares
something about being an instrument which we will take a moment to have a look
at it. There is also a prayer that I would love to share just to come
into a meditative state or presence, relaxation for yourself that you see that
you are present here and that there is not anything else going on. Right
now you are free of the concerns of the world right now; you don't need to put
your attention there. We leave all our concerns behind right now to give
ourselves a bit of rest and relaxation and in this there is a possibility to
expand your mind and to feel that expansion happening while you relax, and in
that you will feel that suddenly there is more space for your spiritual nature
to come into your awareness. I am saying how it is for me this thing that
we call meditation.
The prayer that i want to use to enhance the depth of the experience is from
Joel's book "Consciousness is what I am" and it is a very short
I live in the now
Now I open the door of my consciousness
Now I admit the Christ the Presence of God into my consciousness
and I let that work in me as I go about my daily task.
My task in this class. and i don’t know how that will look to me but
I will recognize it when it happens, so I allow that Christ to come to me and I
am opening my mind and letting concerns slip away and become present,
remembering to breathe and allowing myself to relax in this moment, coming
closer to presence. So yes, feeling whatever you go through when you hear
this or when you say to yourself "I am in the now, I allow the Christ
to enter into my consciousness and allow God to be present here in my
experience of myself and start to listen to what it says and follow the
impulses that I get from that expansion. And you let thoughts and
emotions go, whatever comes up you let them pass through and come to this
deep and still place inside yourself. You might want to close your eyes
to make it easier for yourself; you don't even need your perception. You
are here, you made it and this is your moment for yourself to enter deeply into
your stillness, to enter deeply into what is real, to share together a real
moment and to become aware that there are not many of us but only one.
(Breathes out deeply). There it goes, and that is what you could call a
miracle, a moment ago you were concerned and now all that concern is out the
door, it is gone. You cannot use your concern right now, let it go.
You don't need to do anything with anything that is here, it does you, it does
something with you, not to make something better in the future, not to use for
personal gain, not any of that, no just be present here. This is what it
is and this is how it looks and that is all, there is no other thing.
There is no body outside of you, there is nobody outside of this, and this is
the only occurrence.
So let us come into this quiet space together. So trust the way your body
is moving and don't forget to breathe deeply into your belly and let the air
come out again and release whatever you can.
What we are letting ourselves into in terms of being instruments of truth is
the question how am I am instrument of truth? How does that work?
How does that look for me? You will get answers when you ask that for
yourself and maybe you have been thinking about it in the last couple of days
and asking how it looks in your life. The real gift in that is your
discovering for yourself what is given you. You have all the gifts
already and it is just that you have to let the answer come into your awareness
that you have received it and that is a very interesting phenomena/idea because
you cannot believe that everything is just given you. It is difficult as
a human being to grasp that you have all the gifts already. You literally
hold within you a whole storehouse of healing, miracles and all that.
These gifts are with you wherever you go and it is an integral part of
you. Step by step we start to unwrap some of these gifts, you listen to a
video and suddenly you hear something that is so beautiful and clear. You
start to recognize that you are able to receive that, it was already a gift
given to you but suddenly woosh there it is in your awareness, which makes it
an experience for you and one that you in fact extend because you have received
it. This is with everything that is occurring and you know this.
Everything you Hear in a true sense, you cannot not hear. It is a
revelation to you, it is an opening to you and then you can't fool yourself
that you did not hear it. You recognize this and know it. This is
what we use: in order for you to become aware of the gifts that you have
received you actually begin to give them away. This is an interesting
idea to who are you giving? Why would you want to give your gifts
away? You might lose them by doing so and in the world it looks like
that, if you give your gift away it is gone, then you don't have it anymore,
maybe you have a memory of the pleasure of giving it but the gift itself is
gone and here in our spiritual process it is the other way around. By you
giving it you actually start to remember it for yourself and it becomes real to
you in your awareness and at the same time in your brother's awareness Which
makes it a big win win situation? You give your gift, you still have the
gift and it becomes your brother's gift. You shine your light and the
light is igniting other lights, and in remembering it for your brother you
remember it for everyone.
In fact you radiate this throughout the universe but the universe is also your
awareness so you shine it through your awareness. This you might accept
as sounding reasonable and the next step then is what is preventing you from
doing it. You might question why you are not giving this away all the
time. When I am concerned that I am not giving it away, I am contracting;
I am making it into something that is making me fearful. That is not extension
that is contraction.
So what is preventing you from actually extending this, from radiating this
continuously, why would you want to stop with that? Well there is a
reason that you do that and this class is designed for getting the taste of how
full of joy extending is and also releasing the fear of doing so gives you a
whole new freedom and that is really igniting your light and your fire in your
awareness for yourself. You start to recognize that this is given
This is essential but as I questioned what is preventing you from extending,
from sharing? Which brings us onto the question of how do we see
ourselves. How do I present myself? How do I see myself? It
all depends on how you identify yourself everything comes down to that.
If you have Christ fully in your awareness as we prayed for in Joel's prayer
earlier, you would have no hesitation to give yourself away. You
have that fully in your awareness and you radiate that with no
reservation. If you have a different idea about who you are it will go
differently and that is the process we are in fact in the middle of discovering
what is preventing us from allowing Christ Mind to be our only mind. Then
you come to the place where you question where it is that you are actually
am afraid, where are you afraid of what
is going on. Where am I afraid of expressing myself and where does that
fear come from?
Well I did some research (laughs) and I have some experiences of it too and it
has to do with your definition of yourself which is something you use in your
identification of yourself on a daily basis, you use that as your personality
as that what you do, that which you think you are and all that. You try
to function like that thing but you also have ideas about yourself so you are
shaping your image so to speak continuously with dialogue such as oh i am not
so good at that, or i really shouldn't do that or my nose is too ..... or my
ears are too....or my hair is too .... or this is not the day for that because
well you have a reason you have an idea about how things work in your life
and so you continuously adapt your self-image and forget about the constancy
that is in you. In other words (laughs), I get to some kind of
conclusion, you have an idea about yourself, you see yourself through your
eyes, through perception, you perceive yourself in a certain way and you really
believe that that is you and that is where the trouble starts in fact,
especially with expressing yourself. Like you are not so convinced about
the idea that you are perfect or if you were created perfect you would have no
idea how that would feel or look like. So you use your self-concept, self-judgment
to guide you to how you can adapt, how can you fix , how you can develop and
you have a plan for yourself how to develop. Coming from the other side
from your true side, from the true Self that you are, from your Christ
Mind you know that as a Christ you were created perfectly by your father.
This perfection is continuous, it is being born in every moment, in every now
it is born again, it is brand new, it is fresh. It has no start, it has
no beginning, it is life itself, a living principal which is free of any
limitation, it is completely loving, it is created by love, it extends itself naturally.
So this Concept of yourself is creation that you are in your true essence, in
your Christ mind is to accept that for yourself coming from your human part of
yourself a bit scary because according to my research it is hard for you to
accept a God that does not punish, that does not judge that knows you as Itself.
Not having a judgment over you is huge. In many religions a judging God
is pounded into us, an angry God whom we will have to face one day, that scary
moment of truth. And this is deep in our genetics, in our bodies the
whole idea of being judged, of being not good enough of being say uncertain about
yourself and not seeing yourself as perfectly created and a whole set of
appointments with your shrink or who knows what. Like all kinds of
definitions are thrown at you to confirm that you are not perfect as you are
created. Peace to such foolishness we say then, this is not it, this is
not going to help you. To come to the place where you are actually placed
face to face with a whole loving God, that needs a bit of preparation and I am
not asking that of you now in this moment to completely step into that, you can
if you want to but it can need some preparation, so now we come to the set up
here in class where the way that we deal with one another here, when anyone is
expressing him or herself in exactly the way that anyone does, we come in our
response, just as we do in our sharing from this place where you actually allow
this Christ Mind to speak through you, not of judgment , not of self-effacement
but rather to confirm your true identity. I am created by Love. I
and my Father are One. I am eternal. I am eternally His Son.
I am omnipresent. Whatever comes up, I am here, and I am now.
And in our response to our brother who is doing this, who is expressing
himself, even if he is expressing himself in silence, it really does not
matter, you don't have to use words, but it is about what you share that you
feel, you want to feel what you are going to share, what words come up,
but you want to feel this connectedness, you want to feel the total support in
that the certainty starts to speak through you, not to make it difficult but to
make it easy. Get out of the way any idea you hold about yourself in
doing so, no I don't have to express that, no I don't have to define
myself at all. What I am speaks of itself, I express that through my
beingness which is happening right now.
This is the intention or the possibility in sharing in this class and this is
for you, how much you are used to doing that or how you feel that in the
moment. And if no words come then stay right there and just feel what you
feel and not run away from it, just to go through something and extend
that. You don't have to defend or explain yourself, there is a whole list
of what you don't have to do but rather just allow yourself to expose myself
like this and see what happens. So for the ones in class this is the way
we are going to do this, at least try to do it this way.
coming back to the idea of sharing the gifts that you have received, it is
great and very helpful and as a teacher once told me that to protect everything
you value by the act of giving it away. That you want to give it away in
order to keep it, you don't want to hold it to yourself. Things become
dark when you do so. No you extend whatever comes to you.
What comes to you in your experience of connectedness of joy, happiness and
sudden gratitude or a moment of grace. Expand, express and enjoy
this. You want to share what you value and by that, by giving your gifts
away continuously, no here you can have it, not material gifts but the gifts
that you have received for yourself, give it away and you see people do this
when they leave comments like oh my God that was so great what was shared like
yes here in that we give it away. That is one modern way of giving it
away. However that can be done. There are so many ways of
expressing this, you can be very still and express it completely and there will
be a form that will be exactly right for you. But keep in mind that you
have nothing to lose, you are only giving to yourself, because there is only
one consciousness and that is you. It is happening here and this is the
way we bring each other home, this is the way that you remember that there is
no defense necessary, there is nothing to be afraid of. This is the way
you go beyond your fear and beyond your perception and even beyond your
idea about yourself. You let yourself express itself which is really
totally enjoy this giving. Whatever I have to go through, it might feel
like dying for a second okay so then I experience that, it is alright, I can
express myself in any way it really does not matter because no one is judging
especially not your creator, who is absolutely free of judgment , a whole,
loving Father, hey what have you got to loose and that is really good to realize
too that you have nothing to lose. It is encouraging so I hope you are
all ready for some sharing and let us see how this continues.
So thank you for your attention for this part - the sharing will remain
Wim's website can be found here:
Wim Haverkamp
This class can be heard here: Instruments of Healing
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