The eleventh of the seventh or 11/7
The past three days the number 11:11 shows herself.
And each time the time is looked at it is a double number …9:09 21:21 etc.
A wise old friend was always astounded when times were noted. She felt it was a message of encouragement.
Not encouragement like in a business deal but simply in the repeat power numbers, she felt
the universe was caressing me in a simple yet visible way. It always reminded me of the sacred.
I am listening to Kakad Aratis of the Sadguru Sri Sidderameshwar (Praise and bless
His birth date is the
eight month, eighteen eighty eight, or
His image on the screen on the windowsill with a candle flickering.
The same image that I had in my tent for many years.
The candle is lit and the incense burns.
And I give him thanks for blessing me with Devotion.
He imparted that Devotion is the fastest way to our God Selves.
He was of the Ingechari lineage.
His Guru, Sri Bauaseb Maharaj’s path was the Ant Way.
It involved whole life in meditation.
Sri Sidderameshwar felt this was taking too long.
That people needed to wake to Reality rapidly was at the forefront of his
He taught everyone, men, women,
children, all castes. He was not an
educated man hence the title Sadguru.
He discovered a direct path to God that was available and more
importantly attainable to anyone.
Not through learning or ritual, simply through dissolution and allowing
‘reality’ to dissolve.
And thus a new
path was born and he named it The Birds’ Way and its principle was mantra
meditation which ties in closely with Joel receiving a contemplation to take
into meditation.
When I was in India twenty years ago I without knowing visited His memorial , I
only noticed this years on.
And He says that whoever comes as the Son of the Guru, will forever be under
the Guru’s Love and Care.
And even when one realizes that the Guru and the Daughter cannot be separate
and must be One, one still worships that whose feet one kissed. Even upon God Realization and that there is
absolutely no-thing else, one still worships for that is Bhakti.
And I made Him my Guru immediately, or at least so appeared. He obviously made me His daughter.
And thus he began the process of dissolution. Let go, let go, let go for there was nothing
to hold onto.
It was a cobalt blue emptiness. It was
peaceful, I was sinking into oblivion.
Then life provided me with a shock in the form of Sage’s arrest and at that
time I was beginning with you in absolute earnest.
You had just provided me with ACIM and invited me to attend classes. Made me feel so welcome, forever grateful.
Now Sri Sidderameshwar in saying that I
would forever have His Love and Care is the same as Jesus saying He would never
leave or forsake me. They had different
names Advaita and the Infinite Way and yet they were the same thread of
Reality. Indeed that is why I am
writing this to you as a friend asked me the question and you are the only one
I choose to share these things with. She
was so angry at me she asked how I could call myself a lover of Christ and yet
have a sadguru. How could I profess to follow
Jesus and yet have so many mighty companions surrounding me?
For she thought having anyone alongside
Jesus was pure heresay, definitely punishable by shame. And yet I have so many companions..
I did not dare to mention to her that in every meditation I
fall into the cobalt blue and find myself hearing Lord Ganesh saying I am here
Sri Ma Saraswati saying she is he here.
Then the thousand petal lotus spins
and there is Sri Sidderameshwar
followed by Mother Mary, Satya Sai Baba, and Mary Magdalena
then Jesus in emerald green
then in strong yellow You, Joel and Herb announce your presence
as does the Holy Spirit..
For a long time I thought I had to choose one point of worship.
But now it is seen that they are one appearing as many with nuances that reach
me in different ways on my way Home.
The power of Omnipresence.
Beloved Wim you are always with me. With the mind still, there you are.
Ever present
When I am ‘suffering’ you get excited for me.
You show me the opportunity for a miracle.
I can’t think of a greater gift than that, that you feed me no mortal mind tidbits at
all and constantly shine spirit light on life.
There was this peaceful cobalt emptiness of no thingness and yet , you said come shine some light on the Infinite
Way and brought me back to Life. From
the blue cobalt to the all encompassing pearl consciousness of Christ.
Sinking into the caressing warmth of Truth and being in God’s formless
embrace. A warmth so revitalizing to sink into and abide in God's embrace. No thing can enter here. No
human condition could survive here.
Thank You for guiding me
Thank You for loving me
Thank you for not indulging me
Thank you for the faith
Thank you for love
Thank you for being ever present
And I wonder if you wonder whether I will ever completely realize or if you ever question what on earth it would take for me to realize but
then I realize you are Christ, and all you see as you said is:
am God’s Son
complete and healed and whole
shining in the reflection of His Love
In me is His Creation
Sanctified and guaranteed
eternal life.
In me is love perfected, fear impossible and joy
established without opposite.
I am the holy Home of God Himself
I am the Heaven where His Love resides
I am His holy sinlessness Itself
For in my purity abides His Own.
The timing of the above message was absolutely perfect.
The timing of the class last night was absolutely perfect.
The timing of every inter connection is a God send.
The timing of the misperceptions arising for clearing (once again…hmm hmm) also
The mind comes up with alluring options and yet the liquid pearl of Christ Light is present, in
flow, in glory.
In wholeness: eternality, unchanging, ever present, unknowable to mind, all encompassing.
With the fiercest of most gentle love I spend time here. And for those most sacred moments, I thank You.
The only True Treasure.
I truly do bow at your feet.
So thank you for giving me the space to share.
Infinite Love
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